Have the Christmas You Need

Festive cheer, merriment and yuletide joy is really not the feeling that is consuming my time at the moment, I have a massive feeling of numbness when looking at peoples social media, flooded with merriment and Christmas activities.

Christmas isn’t alway easy and can be one of the most difficult times of the year for some people, there is an expectation to be happy and jolly and when you’re not feeling like celebrating it can be really hard. It’s also not unusual for your sadness to become accentuated when you’re watching and observing everyone else’s (perceived) happiness!

This year has worn me out on so many levels, and I can feel myself limping towards the finish line, there is something about Christmas which feels almost impossible to opt out of, it’s everywhere. This can make the holiday season feel very isolating and sometimes hard to cope with. Everyone else seems to be getting more and more excited and festive and as their Christmas radar peaks mine appears to have hit rock bottom. There is often an expectation to join in with the buzz of it all, to plaster a smile on your face and get stuck in. I seem to not be able to fully grasp one moment without the reminder that ‘its the most wonderful time of the year’, which of course is not ideal when it feels overwhelmingly substandard and a bit shit.

Now I know that ‘feeling Christmassy’ is not a single emotion, but a combination of situational and subjective goings on and I normally love Christmas (I have been known to get emotional on Christmas morning because ‘its all got a bit much’ and I have felt so unbelievably excited). I am a massive child and will forever hold onto the magic of Christmas, for so many reasons. By this time in December I am usually one to be bouncing off the walls, attending every yuletide event I can get my hands on and revelling in baubles and twinkly lights. This year though, if someone offered for me to skip Christmas, I would take them up on it. I feel a huge surge of “meh” when I think about it. 

Now I know we all have times in our lives where things fall apart. Whatever the situation, whether its grief, illness, life events, mental health…things happen and often they are out of our control. And at the same time annual milestones and celebrations come and go, the world continues to turn even when for you time has ground to a halt. So I am aware that I am not alone, and that this may all appear very over-dramatic. But alas, here we are.

My family and I seem to have been dealt a particularly rough hand this year. Whilst I am grateful for so many things, I do truly feel a little unlucky. I have had events that have cushioned the blow, but this year has overall been probably one of the worst of my life. My mental health has taken the biggest battering and almost completely won me over, my beautiful family has been tested within an inch of their lives, I have had friendships breakdown, my Mum has faced life changing surgery (which is positive and has been needed), that caused anguish and worry for every member of my family, and just to add a little cherry and some colourful sprinkles, I was, about a week ago, involved in a car accident which saw my car written off and me taken to hospital. I am very lucky to be alive, and have walked away with little more than a very achey body and head.

Now I am aware that I should be thankful for these events, in a way. None of them have broken me or my dear family, we have got through it. But there comes a time when ‘enough is enough’. We and I are done with being tested.

So as we crawl towards the new year, I am ready to get through Christmas and be ready for a reason to feel like I can have a fresh start. The phrase “new year, new me’, is universally frowned upon in a society that is placing pressure to live your best life every moment, and a need to transform your life when the clock hits 1200 on 1st January. But this time round, I am hoping for a fresh start, I am SO ready to put this awful year behind me, to forget about it mostly, and try to find more of the good stuff.

I don’t write this with a plan to abandon Christmas, or to avoid celebrating the end of the year completely. I just need a more low key approach this year, I need to not place myself under pressure, I know that. I need to just get through it.

So perfectionism is out, and a low-key “good enough” Christmas, is in. Join me in that if you want to. “Christmas is supposed to be fun and enjoyable — it shouldn’t be at the detriment of your mental health.”

Whilst your Christmas dinner may not rival Nigella Lawson’s, and your gifts might not be original or handmade, in a month’s time I doubt any of that will matter. Taking care of yourself over the festive period might just set you up for better mental/physical and overall health in 2020. Now wouldn’t that be the perfect present.

If you do have a friend/family member/colleague that is withdrawing from social activities this Christmas, try and reduce the urge of screaming “SCROOGE” at the first available opportunity. Christmas is amazing, but can be incredibly difficult for reasons that may not be obvious. So just be careful. Be kind. Be there. And please, please accept the word “no”.

I’m going to take a week or so off from Ellen on the Edge, I think I need to spend some time with my family and definitely need some time to come up with some more blog material. I will be back with you just before we say a big fat “SEE YA” to 2019. I hope you all have the Christmas you need, do what you need to do. It will be fine. And when it’s over, we can all regroup and carry on. No pressure.

Merry Christmas – Hang in there.

Ellen on the Edge xx

3 thoughts on “Have the Christmas You Need

  1. Nice one Ellen, thank you for writing it. I imagine many folk will be able to relate to your feelings. I certainly can. And I particularly know the feeling of being tested time and time again and that being more than enough. Good for you for knowing what you need, and making it happen for yourself and your family. I hope you succeed in looking after your energies and still enjoying this funny time of year. Sending love to you all x


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