
Soulmate. noun. a person whose heart is recognised by our own, and with whom we are meant to grow old.

We meet people for a moment, a season, or even for a lifetime. Whether they were put in front of you to love you, to hurt you, or to even teach you, it is always for a reason. It’s funny how the universe works. If you think back to the people you have met in the past, were there certain people that came when you needed them? Even if they did hurt you, did they not teach you something valuable?

Everyone I have met, those that came and went, or those that are still in my life, have brought something real to me. They gave me friendship, love, respect, lessons, or even just showing me a new way of thinking.

Now let’s talk about part of the definition. Growing old together. Have you ever considered the fact that you and your best friend(s) will be doing this just as much as you and your S.O.? WHY DON’T MORE PEOPLE TALK ABOUT THIS? I for one am constantly making jokes with someone who I have been best friends with for literally as long as I can remember (and I know she’s reading this because she’s awesome so hi hunny) about how when we’re old and in rocking chairs together in a nursing home, we are still going to be the life of the party. Let me tell you something: may God help whatever nursing home we end up in.

The fact of the matter is that I believe you do not by any means need to keep yourself inside the box of romantic-soulmates-only. Throughout life, we all experience so many loves and losses. The majority of people specifically loves, are temporary, which sucks, especially when you really don’t see it coming. Why dwell on the idea of soulmates only being romantic when you can believe that you already have your soulmate in the form of your best friend? Why get yourself worked up over the idea that you may have had your soulmate and lost them when you can look across the room at your best friend (who would never leave your side, mind you) and understand that you haven’t actually lost anything at all? I don’t know about you, but to me, this sounds like a much better, happier option.

By and large, what I’m trying to say is this: soulmates don’t have to be lovers.

And in fact, I’d like to think that they aren’t.

Hang in there, and don’t lose hope – your soul is loved.

Ellen on the Edge xx

(I’ve included some pictures of my soulmates, souls who have saved my soul, when it has most needed saving.)

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