She’s Back


Well blow me down, the website, social media pages or blog hasn’t been deleted.

So let’s just get it out of the way now shall we…. the elephant in the room; let’s get back to some writing…

I’ve been gone, I deserted EOTE without even realising it. It wasn’t intentional, and I think that’s the point. I always did and will continue to use EOTE for selfish reasons. I never did it for click bait/praise or for anyone else. It was always for me, and helped me dissect and work through thoughts. I have always found that writing things down is therapy for me. It’s a way of expressing myself and helps me in a way that nothing else does. The fact that people did and have resonated with it, is just a true bonus for me. I have had people comment that they haven’t seen any posts from me in a long time, and I haven’t been able to put my finger on it. Or work out why the absolute need to write hasn’t been there.

Truth be told, I wrote a lot when I wasn’t okay. I wrote in despair, in anger, in loneliness. But I love writing, I haven’t been prioritising it and I think it’s a good time for me to try and start again. I think I need it. Whilst everything is pretty good in my life at the moment, I probably could do with having a bit of therapy again, and I know that EOTE is that for me. A lot has happened in the last 14 months, a LOT of change. (I recovered from being hit by a car, which was the last post). I don’t usually manage change that well, but I feel like I have done my best. Whilst I won’t bore you with the details of the last 14 months in this post (it’s mostly been good), I am prepared to start sharing again. And hopefully this time, it’s not from a place of despair, or loneliness… it’s from a place of passion. It’s from a place of writing with purpose, and from a place of sharing when I am and am not on the edge, as it always has been.

Life has been so hard for so many people recently, and has been for a lot of people in my life, and I am feeling it too, so maybe EOTE will be a nice thing to see? Who knows.

So, that’s it from me at the moment, this was me explaining… not just to you, but too myself why I have been away, why I haven’t been investing time in doing something I truly love.

I started furiously typing this randomly, I wrote it in one sitting, in 10 minutes, with no editing, I wrote it straight from my head. I know that’s the right time to bring it back.

(And as the catchphrase and end of the blog has and will always end…) Hang in there.

Ellen on the Edge xx



One thought on “She’s Back

  1. Hi there
    What a lovely peice
    Like you say EOTE was for you so no-one minds that you have been missing for a while. Everyone will just need happy you are doing good.
    It’s so easy sometimes to forget why we do these things and sometimes they become yet another burden, another stick to hit ourselves with.
    Sending you much love ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

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