
Ellen on the Edge is a blog that’s diaries Ellen’s life and Mental Health, she is writing towards acceptance and recovery.

A note from Ellen:

I started writing this blog following a prompt from my Dad, he gave me this prompt during an all time low, when I was struggling with the grips of depression, completely out of nowhere whilst sitting across from me at a Chinese. He told me that he thought I should start a blog (I was gobsmacked he knew what a blog was) he explained that he thought my writing was special, that I could be understood and accessible. He said that what I had to say could help people and quite possibly help me. It struck a chord, my dad is a man of few serious words and holds his emotions very close, what he says, I believe and truly trust. So… a few days later, early August 2019, I gave it a go. I am forever in my Dad’s debt and without knowing he truly inspired me. Ellen on the Edge was born, and she lives.

So there we are, you’ve had a whistle stop tour at the birth of the Edge. But more about me I guess… I’m Ellen (not surprisingly), I’m 28, I live in a small town in the South of England. I work in the public sector and drive a car that is in persistent and constant need of a clean, as is my house, and probably any other space that I occupy. I love having really deep conversations and ask too many questions. I’m loud and outspoken. I really love being outside but often forget just how much I love it and stay indoors a lot. I feel things way to intensely and love until it hurts. I was diagnosed with Bipolar in February 2020, following a rough couple of years, but on some very basic and un-thoughtful reflection I can trace my mental health problems back to the age of around 5 years old. I have always felt things intensely and I’ve always expressed them very overtly. I am still struggling and still learning how to cope and manage myself. I do mention “Billy” a lot in my posts, please forgive me… Billy is the name I have given to my diagnosis, it personifies him, and makes it easier for me to understand and manage, it might help you too!

I’ve always found it easier to express myself on paper and Ellen on the Edge has allowed me to write about my daily struggles, experiences, self help techniques, research, thoughts and frustration with my Mental Health. It has helped me start to heal, helped me make sense of some things, put my illness into weird categories, break things down and has made some thing easier to understand and manage. I’ve been truly honest, raw and for the most part, tried to be eloquent.

I hope my writing resonates with you, or comforts you. We are all on the Edge really, I’ve just stolen the trademark.

Ellen xx

If you do enjoy what you read please do consider giving us a follow on social media:

Facebook: Ellen on the Edge (@ellenontheedge)

Instagram: @ellenontheedge

I love nothing more than writing for you, writing with you, and hope that what I write is something that you may be able to relate too. Ellen on the Edge is not intended to be a replacement for therapy or any professional help, please, speak to a professional if you are worried about your Mental Health. The advise, opinions and views I write about stem from my own personal experiences with my own Mental Health. The content I provide is for informational purposes only. By continuing to use this site, you are agreeing to this disclaimer.